Check The Facts First


Product Liability

Manufacturers of nutritional foods, drinks, medicines, tools, games, instruments etc. are require to exercise strict care in the production and monitoring of their products. 

If they fail to maintain these standards, they can be held liable for any damage or injury caused by their defective goods.

A product is considered defect if it’s unsafe for its intended purpose. Some examples are:

  • Defective Design. This is the term used to describe the defects of a whole class of inadequately planned products that cause unreasonable risks for consumers.
  • Manufacturing defects.- are caused when an approved design is not correctly adhered to and the product is incorrectly manufactured.
  • Instruction and Warning defects, occur when the product fails to provide adequate instructions for use, or does not carry warning labels concerning misuse and dangers.

Practically any party in the production and distribution chain of a product can be held responsible in a product liability case.- be it the Designer, Manufacturer, Distributor or a party that services /repairs the product.

Broadly speaking, compensation may be sought for medical expenses, loss of earnings and earnings potential, pain and suffering, property damage, mental anguish, disfigurement, physical disability and punitive damages under certain circumstances.

Due to the complexity of Product Liabilty cases, it is advisable to consult lawyers with experience in this field of law.

Most legal claims are governed by Statutes of Limitation, which dictate the time that is allowed for a complainant to file a lawsuit after suffering or discovering injury.

Statutes of Limitation can vary greatly, so it is important to consult an experienced legal expert as early as possible.

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